Mortgage Loan Officer TrainingOur legacy is loan officer training. We have been providing training materials and classes for loan officers since 1992. Our principals are actively licensed loan originators, so we know the challenges of the position and can address solutions as they exist in today's world, not the world of the compliance officer, or the experience of the market 20 years ago.
Current and relevant mortgage training. |
Mortgage Loan Processor TrainingWhen it became apparent that the jobs of the loan originator and loan processor intersect too closely to separate, we realized we had to add mortgage loan processor training. Written and developed by loan processors for loan processors we focus on strategies, tools and tips actually utilizable in the processors daily duties.
Processing is the life blood of the industry. Learn to excel by developing systems. |
Mortgage Sales TrainingMarketing is infinite. Too often well-meaning coaches, managers and colleagues give advice and strategies that may work for them, but do not fit in to a comprehensive mortgage business development plan. The key to loan officer success - the only proven key - is call frequency. The loan officers who make the most calls do the most business. That's it. We provide a system for increasing call frequency that the loan officer and manager can follow.
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